Perfect Storm: Part 2: Living for the “Citi”

    I could not have timed it better, it seems. I wrote yesterday about the two reasons why we are on the road to economic disaster, and just in time to prove my point… The Government steps in and rescues the second biggest bank in the country. (after Bank of America) by giving them […]

Perfect Storm, Part One

Perfect Storm Part One   If you are wondering if anyone is going to be able to fix this economy, you are in good company, because at this point any and all bets are off! I wonder myself if it really can be fixed. I know that it can be “tinkered” with, so it can […]

The Perfect Bar

As I wrote in my first post at WordPress I will be putting up some of my last post with easyjournal. This one is from last year and has to do with just what is needed for a perfect Bar (or “Pub” if you prefer) I got a lot of responces on just what is […]

It’s the (Stupid)Economy, Stupid

By now, the truth about our leaders and the economy should be apparent to all but the lowest life form that creeps or swims. They have no idea how to get us out of this mess! None at all.   You will recall the dark days October when then everything fell apart, how we were […]

The Real Thing

I’ve been thinking I’m the one who’s cloudy, maybe I’m the one who’s chance for rain… – Switchfoot   Introspection has never been something that I have had a shortage of. I can tell you everything you need to know about navel contemplation. Me and introspection may not be lovers but we are surely good […]


From where I live, I have 3 Starbuck coffee houses that are within a short drive from my house. One is in a Target store, another is in a Safeway, and still another is a free standing store in the same mall as the Safeway! I have written in the past about coffee and the people […]

Goodbye, Levi

There is really no way I can prove to anyone under the age of thirty (and please, that is stretching it a lot) how much of an impact “the motown sound” had on those of us who lived during those times. Some may say that the output of Stax and Atlantic records came close, but […]

Sit, Spot, Sit or How I spent my summer

As much as I love my dog, a “Golden,” this dog is the Bomb! I met him during a national book festival here in Washington D.C.  “Spot” as in the “Target Spot” is trained so well, he would stand on that chair all day and allow anyone to have their picture taken with him. He was […]

2004 Redux: What has Changed?

The following was written 4 years ago… I still think it is on the money, except for one Value that even surprised me. The one thing that trumps “American Values” is American Money..     People in this country have to face a cold hard fact; National Elections are not won on the issues. John Q. America […]